P.i.X.i.e: Is hiding in her purpleness says (00:26): Riaz is a doggy That made the girls quite soggyP.i.X.i.e: Is hiding in her purpleness says (00:27): He treated them nice With champagne and Ice The situation was quite foggyRiaz says (00:34):
cahterine was stereotypically gobby
one fine summers day
lest she succumb to my scorn
Riaz says (00:35):
yet she still remains gay
Riaz says (00:37):
whatever should i do?!
i chant as i pace back and fourth
this gal should be admonished
else i'll send her up north!
Riaz says (00:38):
she'll live with the plebs
due to that big mouth
Riaz says (00:39):
and therein she shall realise
curse the damned scouse!
P.i.X.i.e: Is hiding in her purpleness says (00:40): That made no sense AwwhaaaRiaz says (00:40): i've had 5 hrs sleep over 48 hrs i'm frustrated both mentally and sexuallyRiaz says (00:41): and you tease me so!P.i.X.i.e: Is hiding in her purpleness says (00:41): It was heartfeltP.i.X.i.e: Is hiding in her purpleness says (00:42): I will put it on myblogRiaz says (00:42): lol no!Poor Riaz..Did warn you it would happen..