Tis was quite successful.
Although all were invited only Dolly, Nash, Sarha, Verconia and myself came.
Will gossip about the others though:
Belinda: Got a job in St Georges Hospital onthe neuro rota. She is with her boyfriend Vince, who wants her to move in together. She was babysitting (She had a sister who is 2 and a brother 1)
Smi: Is Sad as the hearing was not in her favour. She is appealing against the uni.. Basically the essay passed, but as they accussed her of copying, they failed it anyway..As Smi had no credits leftto fail..they kicked her out anyway (With Kalpana..Same story there). She is with her parents in Farnbourgh.
Kalpana: See above.
The rest are looking for jobs and relexing..
Anyway, we went to Max Orient..A place I have been several times before. It is all you can eat Buffet. As it was lunch time it was only £8 p.p . It even had desserts included (extra for filter water..Still a bargain though).
We all ate way to much and caught up:
Nash: Working and Partying
Sahra: Revising for retake of the final exam
Dolly: Excerising and relexing
Veronica: Revising for the next module
Myself: Catching up on the hours I owe..KILLER!
After lunch, we got caught in the rain shopping. Mostly just window shopping..We are all broke o.O
Had to rush off as usual to go to Tom's gathering in Cheam. His birthday is on Friday, but h
e is away..So drinks and clubbing was tonight's plan. At least it should have been if I decided to bring my passport!
Arghhh. Again I forget it. Idiot I know! ><
Hm, I did have a good time though..Caught up with peeps, drank for the first time in Weeks and was a camera whore with everyone. Seemed the whole world was there- From Phoebe to Waffle, John to Rory (and his dick), it was a pick and mix..
I was sad to depart to Chelsea while the rest went off to Black Sheep but hey..More adventures next time huh..?
The picture of you and John looking at each other is SUCH a nice photooo!!! :D:D:D
It looks like love :) :p