I was so hung over, having crawled into my own bed at 7am and getting up at 10 (house party-left at 6ish).When John meet me I was feeling ill.
Still, it was nice to spend time with him and others-Ant Draper, Waffle (Maggie), Dan Ginger and Becky. Bit weird though, considering that me and Waffle clicked and got on a little to well.
It seemed to be a corprate day, as we met in Starbucks, had lunch in Spoons and had a pepsi party in the park.
During that time, Waffle and I giggled and bullied those foolish enough to stand next to us..I bite Dan (He refused to take a picture with us), Waffle put Vinger in John's beer and we almost stole a pair of Rabbit ears from Claire's as John marched us out of the store before we had a chance to take them off..:P
The Park was good though..We had a pepsi fight. John was more upset by the fact that pop was wasted in getting our clothes wet, rather then going down our throats and I was fuming as I was trying to bully John and Waffle kept hitting the wrong target-ME! Ant and Becky was the only one's safe from this explosion of childness.Still it was a release..(Almsot sexually even..:P) I made a daisy Chain, a playfightwere Dan lost to me and Waffle was to be had,Becky sunbathed and Draper was pretending to be Buddha.
John just kept drinking the remaining pop and watched as his friend got bullied..Feel only slightly bad for that. Too soon, Goodbye was to be said..At least it was good times. John had to get back to Newcastle, I had to study and the others went with the wind.. Memories.
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