Sunday, 26 April 2009

Happy birthday Harry!

It was Harry's birthday celebration and as he was turning 21 he wanted something really special.Cinema, Dinner, drinks, club, sleepover. With Rosie, Kyle and myself. (others coming later) I was destined to spoil it. I arrived home from night duty and threw myself into bed. I woke up to late for dinner and cinema, so met them as they were finishing at Henry J. Beans. Judging by the complaints I did not miss much! (Iam not the biggest fan of burgers anyway..Especially expensive ones that taste bad anyway!) We soon trooped back to Harry's for alcohol games and getting changed. I got drunk fast after having no dinner, and I also had to then go home to change my outfit. I was told that in no way was it okie to wear jeans into Punk. Rosie also did my make-up.

Hm, we got to Punk just after 8.30. I managed to get free shots for the first round, which was awesome..The drinks were way to expensive to buy many! The club itself was okie, though I did enjoy the music. Not as good as Metro or the famous Roxy's, but passable
Met up with two old faces as well..David and Gary, who popped by to say hello..Then they disappeared and never returned from theit hunt for food-how rude. Grr..

Harry was a loon and danced every track, til we got told to leave. All was so tired by then, we were grateful for the bus to Harry's, crashing on the sofa's.

Good times.

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