Cookie wanted to go out to Dinner for her birthday with close friends. I was entertained with good company while my stomach was entertained with good food.
The restaurant was in Russell Square-called . A mixture of all oriental food recipes from rice to weird soup. All cheap- though as I was a greedy pig and decided to order 2 starters and then 2 mains plus drinks mine was a bit excessive.
There was only 4 people I knew (Anna, Brenda, Cookie and Ryan (her boyfriend), so it was weird to talk to others

..As one knows I have been quite the reclusive so making "polite" conversation was not easy- glad I could stuff my mouth with food and avoid that issue!

Harder when Anna shouted out "Stop taking sex talk there!!". I would not mind but I was listening to Ryan talking about Cookie. -Sigh-. Am I that predictable in my chat?

We did joke that cookie should have her own twitter page to rival
The dinner got better when we realised that Brenda made a cake for Cookie..As we all know that she bakes only in special times, we realised how good it would be..(and it was. It was indeed..)

It did put a damper on thing getting the bill. Weird to think that food cost that much! What the hell?

Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY COOKIE! :)..We all love you <3

hehe I havethe exact same top as the birthday girl, except mine is in greeen! HEHE xx