First stop was the fine waterhole known as Weatherspoons. Aimed with embarrassment (as much as I could be that is- this is me you are talking about) as I spent the last half an hour drinking by myself in the wrong pub, not even alcohol mind, just hot chocolate, I was soon joining the ranks in conversation and laughter.
Anna was there of course, as well as Vince, Brenda, Leo, Jamie, Jamie's friend and Serena (I finally met this exclusive character. Exciting.)

There was not much new talk going on-mostly jokes and random gossip inbetween the usual complaints of jobs and lack of money.
Did down a pint in one go though, winning myself a pitcher from a red faced Jamie.
Did not touch the shots though..Left that to Anna and other braver souls!

We did not stay there the whole time though.We moved on to a great bar called "Old Blue". It plays really good music. I was happy.

It was my first time out in a while, so I got myself tired out early. Shamefully I left just at half 12..usually it is 3 at the earliest!
Vince went with me and we wandered around the street eating burgers, chips and random salad. That and talk nonsense. Aw, good times..Same time, same place next fortnight I hope :P
Good night!

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