Saturday, 28 February 2009

So, Shane is now 21

So he was not 21 today techinical..But it was his Birthday celebration in the West End. Hard Rock Cafe to be more precise. Hm, Met John first in the heart of Soho, and it was because of that, I was late meeting Shane and his mates. It caused a big mix up as they got confused over the directions that I gave (They we. It was a good job John was able to ride up and meet them! As well as Shane,there was his Lovely girlfriend Laura, Nick and Kevin. We had to wait ages for a table in the resturant-even though Shane prebooked. It was a tourist trap that smelt like a cheap greasy cafe. Only the prices and the deco seperated it. Oh well, at least it gave us a chance to chat and socialise. I got Shane a Graphic Novel- The Fountain, so a lively discusssion took place over what is the difference between a comic and graphic Novel. Oh,and silly questions like "What food would you eat for the rest of your life..?" I was not that impressed by the food, but the company more then made up for it..So yea..Thank you for the invite Shane..


Look at all the money spent on a few burgers! Bah!

Nick a roo there..
The Lovely couple..<3>One of the more noticable things in the resturant..Madonna's bust

Food at long last!

Kevin staring at moi..

And the Before and After For my meal

(John wouldn't pose as usual, though he was there and eating Salad and chatting away..Honest..:])

Friday, 27 February 2009

So SMI had a little house partry then

Being into new adventures this term, when Smi invited me to her House party, I was not about to say anything other then yes. Hm, I dragged Belly with me after lectures to come with me,but as we had 4 hours before the party and little money, It was a bit awkward. Still,after looking around Kingston for the millionth time, we decided to go up to Seven King's. Glad we did. Not only was there a massive Sainsbury's up there, which had cheap food and beer, but a pub. Not just any pub. One that had free jazz and indie band nights. We even had a chance to see one of the bands. Fair enough they were not the best by any stretch of the imagination (they were heavy metal. Decided to swap talent for the joy of screaming lyrics at the poor audience), but Still..Fun to pass the time.
A guy also gave me Candy. He was there to promote the band and sell the CD's, thought he was crap at it. Told me to save my money and he hated them..When questioned further, he admitted he listened to "Old School Rap".I was horrified..
Hmm, Anyway, the pub was only a pit stop for us,before going onwards to Smi's..

This is what greeted us as we worked in..Felt grateful I do as it asked!

The party itself was okie. Didn't care to much for the DJ, who seemed to be in love with Mr Justin Timberlake..

But the people were sweet.
Mixed with everyone and drank loads..

This was me at the Party..

And Belinda in the same event..

Ah ha. Bless.

Was also blessed with the presence of Sahra as well. Hmm, it was a laugh..Though Sahra and Belinda had to go home early, it was lovely..
(the Traitors! Sarah's B/F collected them. Nice one..)
There was also Mr Harry, who helped me on my quest to write the names of people on their Arms-Me in english, him drawing the Chinese sign of their name.

It made a good partner ship.

Smi was being her usual Hyper self. She got drunk quite early on, and so was bullying others to dance and drink as well.

There was about 30-40 people just mixing with everyone else..
(Called her Strawberry. Godness knows why..:] )

There was quite a lot of drink out, and Kessang (the birthday Girl) was cooking nice food.

And of course there was the tasty Birthday cake and Champagne (Smi Stole it, I swear!)

There was also a cute guy called Oreo.. I called him Jeff. He was Greek, very smart and Polite. He was also brought up in Canada for a while so knew French..

At the end of the house Party about 2 in the Morning, me, smi and the other Housemates stayed at his place. He made us Greek salad

...and in t
he Morning, woke me and Smi up at half 7 for lectures at 9. I loved him for it <3.>
Hmm, Was dead in the lectures..Worth it though..:)


Tuesday, 24 February 2009

So, Pancake day is here at last!

Oh wow. I had almost forgot the pure joy of Pancake day just how good they taste! I was at Uni today, so the first pancake was there..Free of course and very Tasty. I met Aster on the way and forced her to join me eating them in the Canteen, Why were they free..? Due to the fact that the Church was trying to promote the religious reasons for this day..I told them I was a Catholic (well..It is sorta true with my upbringing) and they gave me a voucher..No lectures needed!

They tasted okie, but had to choke it down due to going back to the afternoon lectures.. Hmm, I also got invited to darling Anna's house to make more Pancakes and to chat. It was lovely.
(Just look..)

She meet me after I endured 2 hours on the bus (I was poor..Can only afford Buses!)
and we were joined by Brenda after..It was ace. Ate so much I felt ill (and skipped uni the next day..). Played music, talked about ourselves in detail and enjoyed being with eachother. Was sad to go home after. It was a good atmosphere..:)

Things that I learnt:

-has a Master's and just finished it last year. -Studied in Wales -Lives with her family

Anna -Has to many scary stories about what happened to her (note to self: No drinking in Seven Sisters!) -Has a Sister -Was a size 6 in Poland

Sunday, 22 February 2009

A Dolly Power is all you need

So, as you know, I am addcited to a little place called Camden.I love the astmosphere. I love the music. And most of all I love the people it draws near it... I went with Belinda and met up with others in the World's End pub. The pub was sweet and I saw Ian, Anna and then Claude. There was other people there as well, though didn't know them that well.. It was the Dolly Power in KOKO, so we all headed there. It was okie.Bit boring as the DJ did not play a wide range of songs and the company all floated off to various parts of the club as well.

Hmm,Claude was having Fun.She had her flat mates. She also met Belinda for the first time.And flopped over her. Fun times.
Anyway, it was a short and sweet meeting of mind,. All fun.Brenda and Belly got on well as well. Too well. Almost like sisters..hehe..:)

Monday, 16 February 2009

Valentine's Day Rocks

I am not one that usual likes but this year John did the best thing that anyone could have done: Took me to see the Wolves in a centre where you are allowed to walk with them, as well as touchand stroke them! I was amazed.
Unfortunatly for me, I have no photos..John didn't take any and I had no phone..(got it back after the weekend..A kind man found it and rang my grandparents..:])
Anyway, here is the wolves I touched:

They were so smooth, though rougher fur then I though..there was also a presentation and a chance for Q and A time. It lasted about 3 hours with lots of chances to touch the wolves.
The personalities were very obvious. Mosi, Mai and Torak were the ones we were shown..
Torak was calmer. More dignified. Think..the Dad from Peter Pan. Mai was the younger female. Rebel without a cause. Think Peter Pan. Mosi was the Alpha female. Very laid back and liked to watch things. Didn't take any nonsense from anyone (Think Wendy, from P.P..Don't know why those characters..But you get the point..:))
Anyway..Good websites for further reading:

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Fuck My life!

After having a less then happy phonecall, Iwas delighted to have stumbled across this marvallous website:

I thought that I would share with you a few of my favourites that made me feel slightly better..

Today, I sneezed so hard I herniated my back. After passing out from the pain I awoke on the floor covered in my own shit and piss. Unable to move, I had to wait in this state for four hours for my wife to return home from work, clean me up and take me to the hospital. FML

Today, I slept with this new guy for the first time. After sex, he said the doggie style postion was fun, it reminded him what it would be like to rape a girl. FML

Today, my boyfriend handcuffed me to the bed, naked. Someone pulled the fire alarm, and my boyfriend couldn't find the key. So he left me, and the Resident Advisor found me. The fireman had to cut the chain. FML

Today, my old man told me that he only married my mom because she convinced him she was pregnant with his child. In fact, she aborted a week later. "And then we had you instead." FML

My girlfriend gave me a blow-up doll and told me to practice. FML

I walked to class in the rain after a long night of reading all 1200 pages of War & Peace in one sitting trying to cram for an in class essay, when I arrived nobody was there. I check the master postings of finals and look to see that my final was actually yesterday at 7 am. FML

Today, I went to the doctor to talk about my depression and low self-esteem. He told me that I shouldn't think of myself as a fat pig for being overweight. I don't think that and I'm NOT overweight. FML

Today, I logged onto facebook to realize that my boyfriend is now listed as single. News to me. FML

I walked to class in the rain after a long night of reading all 1200 pages of War & Peace in one sitting trying to cram for an in class essay, when I arrived nobody was there. I check the master postings of finals and look to see that my final was actually yesterday at 7 am. FML

Today, I logged onto facebook to realize that my boyfriend is now listed as single. News to me. FML

Me and my family watched the video of my birth. In the video, when my mother sees me for the first time, she says "God he's ugly!" FML

Today, I sang at a retirement home with my school choir. Afterward we went to speak to the old people, just to get to know them a little. The first woman I shake hands with ask "Are you a boy or a girl?" FML

Today, my company hired a new guy to help on our project. My boss said that he would shadow me for the whole day so he could learn our system. At the end of the day my boss fired me, handed my company car keys and laptop to my "shadow for the day" right in front of me. My Mom picked me up. FML

Today, I got fired from my job. I worked for my parents. FML

Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend. When he was about to orgasm, he screamed "Yes Brittany!" at the top of his lungs. My name's not Brittany. That's his sister. FML

Today, my inebriated boyfriend and I were having sex. He rolls off of me without finishing, and says, "i'm bored." FML

Anyway, they may me feel slightly better. Bah, poor people ><yy th

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Snow Fun sometimes

Okie, so I wake up with a pile of snow covering the place I called home. And how did I feel..? Happy..? Childish..? No. Not me. I felt Grumpy and fell back to sleep. Trust me, I can be the orignal grinch sometimes..

I mean..Look how deep it was:

View of the place I live

Anyway, much as I would have liked to lay in bed, it turned out my cousin was coming up from Burnley to visit Mum and I in London-meaning I had to roll out of bed and do chores. Bah. It was not all that bad. While tiding my room I had an excuse not to do work..I also let Franki use my laptop meaning typing up my essay was a little hard.. The next day, there was more snow, meaning that Nobody could do nothing. London came to a standstill as shops, banks and interviews were cancelled. It was quite tragic..It did mean Franki's brother, who came to support his little sister with some interviews came all the way down for nothing..And then had to leave almost immediatly! Did manage to squeeze some fun out of the Monday though. My plan was going to be go for an Interview with an Agency, Do my essay and then go for a sign language course in Hackney.. Instead I went to Victoria to meet Garath, played in the snow,Posed a lot:

had hot Chocolate thanks to Frankie..We Hid in the station's weather spoons to think about what to do and so hot chocolates looked a good option to have!

hand then stuffed a big pancake down my throat at "My Old Dutch".It had pancakes for ~£5 each and they are always so tasty..

I guess it was nice having time to meet and catchy up with my family..I hardly ever see them and Mum certainly enjoyed posing with them!

If you are wondering about the glasses, Mum and Franki went to see My bloody Valentine's in 3d. I hate horror films, hence I stayed at home like the "wimp I am"
Ohh, let me give you some details about my family..

22 years old, dental Nurse. Was on Shipwreaked (hence the search for agents down here). Lives in Burnley. Loves London, R n B music, clothes, fashion, and chick flick books. Very pretty.
26 I think..? 6 foot. Does a lot of charity runs. Did mathrons, swam the channel and was trying to row across the alantic but the boat got hit by a killer whale.He is super smart and quite mean to people he finds "fat".

Anyway, they only stayed a short while, so I spent the day making Snow angels and avoiding work