Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Snow Fun sometimes

Okie, so I wake up with a pile of snow covering the place I called home. And how did I feel..? Happy..? Childish..? No. Not me. I felt Grumpy and fell back to sleep. Trust me, I can be the orignal grinch sometimes..

I mean..Look how deep it was:

View of the place I live

Anyway, much as I would have liked to lay in bed, it turned out my cousin was coming up from Burnley to visit Mum and I in London-meaning I had to roll out of bed and do chores. Bah. It was not all that bad. While tiding my room I had an excuse not to do work..I also let Franki use my laptop meaning typing up my essay was a little hard.. The next day, there was more snow, meaning that Nobody could do nothing. London came to a standstill as shops, banks and interviews were cancelled. It was quite tragic..It did mean Franki's brother, who came to support his little sister with some interviews came all the way down for nothing..And then had to leave almost immediatly! Did manage to squeeze some fun out of the Monday though. My plan was going to be go for an Interview with an Agency, Do my essay and then go for a sign language course in Hackney.. Instead I went to Victoria to meet Garath, played in the snow,Posed a lot:

had hot Chocolate thanks to Frankie..We Hid in the station's weather spoons to think about what to do and so hot chocolates looked a good option to have!

hand then stuffed a big pancake down my throat at "My Old Dutch".It had pancakes for ~£5 each and they are always so tasty..

I guess it was nice having time to meet and catchy up with my family..I hardly ever see them and Mum certainly enjoyed posing with them!

If you are wondering about the glasses, Mum and Franki went to see My bloody Valentine's in 3d. I hate horror films, hence I stayed at home like the "wimp I am"
Ohh, let me give you some details about my family..

22 years old, dental Nurse. Was on Shipwreaked (hence the search for agents down here). Lives in Burnley. Loves London, R n B music, clothes, fashion, and chick flick books. Very pretty.
26 I think..? 6 foot. Does a lot of charity runs. Did mathrons, swam the channel and was trying to row across the alantic but the boat got hit by a killer whale.He is super smart and quite mean to people he finds "fat".

Anyway, they only stayed a short while, so I spent the day making Snow angels and avoiding work


  1. Loving the snow!! :( Wish they had some here. Your cousin is GORJUS!hehe
    Do I see horns in your snowangel?
    just kidding.
    Have fun with the snow!!!!!!!!! :) xx

  2. your cousin was on shipwrecked?
