Sunday, 1 February 2009

An Old Poem

I was looking at my old emails and found my old website with Poems I put up when I was younger and more sure of myself..I thought I would share my favourite one..

to love a rose respect the thron

was uttered by a wise man

but does anyone really do it?

they cannot deal with the ugly side

yin and yan are very well known

when good and evil met

but do people deal with good

in evil or evil in good

god and the devil a very

ancient pair of superbeings

why must one be hated

and the other loved by all?

true hate and true love

go hand in hand

but no one can accept

that they go together

to love a rose respect the thron-

can we also say

"to love a thron respect the rose?"

i think not.

~ Dreams never die.

Website is:


  1. it's a nice poem :) I like it! Our old blogs are so funny x

  2. inspiring poem, raw talent! x
