Friday, 27 February 2009

So SMI had a little house partry then

Being into new adventures this term, when Smi invited me to her House party, I was not about to say anything other then yes. Hm, I dragged Belly with me after lectures to come with me,but as we had 4 hours before the party and little money, It was a bit awkward. Still,after looking around Kingston for the millionth time, we decided to go up to Seven King's. Glad we did. Not only was there a massive Sainsbury's up there, which had cheap food and beer, but a pub. Not just any pub. One that had free jazz and indie band nights. We even had a chance to see one of the bands. Fair enough they were not the best by any stretch of the imagination (they were heavy metal. Decided to swap talent for the joy of screaming lyrics at the poor audience), but Still..Fun to pass the time.
A guy also gave me Candy. He was there to promote the band and sell the CD's, thought he was crap at it. Told me to save my money and he hated them..When questioned further, he admitted he listened to "Old School Rap".I was horrified..
Hmm, Anyway, the pub was only a pit stop for us,before going onwards to Smi's..

This is what greeted us as we worked in..Felt grateful I do as it asked!

The party itself was okie. Didn't care to much for the DJ, who seemed to be in love with Mr Justin Timberlake..

But the people were sweet.
Mixed with everyone and drank loads..

This was me at the Party..

And Belinda in the same event..

Ah ha. Bless.

Was also blessed with the presence of Sahra as well. Hmm, it was a laugh..Though Sahra and Belinda had to go home early, it was lovely..
(the Traitors! Sarah's B/F collected them. Nice one..)
There was also Mr Harry, who helped me on my quest to write the names of people on their Arms-Me in english, him drawing the Chinese sign of their name.

It made a good partner ship.

Smi was being her usual Hyper self. She got drunk quite early on, and so was bullying others to dance and drink as well.

There was about 30-40 people just mixing with everyone else..
(Called her Strawberry. Godness knows why..:] )

There was quite a lot of drink out, and Kessang (the birthday Girl) was cooking nice food.

And of course there was the tasty Birthday cake and Champagne (Smi Stole it, I swear!)

There was also a cute guy called Oreo.. I called him Jeff. He was Greek, very smart and Polite. He was also brought up in Canada for a while so knew French..

At the end of the house Party about 2 in the Morning, me, smi and the other Housemates stayed at his place. He made us Greek salad

...and in t
he Morning, woke me and Smi up at half 7 for lectures at 9. I loved him for it <3.>
Hmm, Was dead in the lectures..Worth it though..:)


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