Monday, 26 January 2009

A busy weekend..

I was unprepared for the shock of having such a busy weekend. Still it was fun if a little unexpected..
First off there was Smi and the mini Study group we planned to do together. As usual, we left the work til last minute and was forced to work hard..The "work" was the log book- a record that you "studied" the other branches of Nursing..aka a bullshit device.
I arrived early as usual. Good job I did as Smi seemed to be hyper and talked waay more then she wrote

. Still, the place we went to was a cafe that does amazing food..It was 2 for 1 on Sandwiches and had cool crepes to. A student's perfect hiding place..

Couldn't stay there for long though, and soon the girlie nature of shopping took over. It was mostly spent looking for dresses and trying sale items on..I thought we looked good..

It was a rush though..Miss Gina needed help moving out, and though John was there with Nana, playing the delivery Man, I felt bad, so rushed to meet them. Too late it seems, as they had done all the hard work already..

It was good to see them get on though..Gina and Nana teased John about his love of cars, and in return he made Jokes about Women in general..
We all had dinner together, though as none of the losers would post, only food pictures were allowed.

So bright like a rainbow!Wooh!

(Did managed to get a few sneak shots in..)

Still not done with the day, John and I departed for Bracknell.

We had managed to book a hotel with none other then the HILTON hotel. For £35!
(the view was bad..Over a motorway-Still, cannot have everything!)

Bargain! It had a swimming pool as well, and BREAKFAST INCLUDED! That is what sold it to me!

The pool was amazing though I could only swim one and a half lenghts of it in a row..John did about 12, and Even Rosie (who has Asthma) can do at least 3! I am rubbish..Still, at least I can swim which is something..
The hotel itself was really nice and the bed was massive. Had to pay for the TV though and the DVD Player would not fit..Still, ways were found to entertain ourselves..(No, you sick puppies, it was Sleep!)
The next day, the rest of Bracknell was explored..It seemed it was full of Chavs and restaurants with a small arcade and cinema

. Frankie and Benny's was sought out, and as we did not want to go back to London, a trip to the cinema was randomly taken, after getting frustrated with the games in the arcade..

Weirdest game ever..It was a touch screen and you needed to work together to kill the ghosts..WE WERE CRAP!

Gah, John beat me in M.C.R..Only as the stupid machine I was on would not let me use items..Sad times..

What can I say..? Childish I know..Couldn't help it!

Bad, bad film. Still the fact that there was good camera shots and John actually enjoyed a film I picked made it bearable...
Bah, London days here I endure..


  1. Ahh the food looks amazing! :)
    But no no to eating otherwise studying would NOT be done.
    sigh. Studying is still nto being done on my side of the world! bum!!

  2. Studying sucks, but to the blog in question it was a LONG read... you still havent put OUR adventure up yet!!!! What about me?!?!?!
