Sunday, 11 January 2009

Study Sessions with Friends

Hmm, In ways to spend a weekend day, a day at a friends house is not the most unpleasent way to do so..But then again, it was a study session..
The plan was that I was to go Smi's house and do our Uni work at 12. That turned into 1pm with Belinda.It turned out to be about 3 as I got lost and Belly got delayed. Plans! Never work do they..?It turned out to be fun times. Food was brought and shared, and much laughter took place.

"Work" turned out to be writting a plan rather then typing out a hell lot of bullshit for the essay.
Also the joys of Youtube was to much to resist.These videoes kept us in stitches- The sneezing Panda and the pathetic Baby Panda. I know..We are losers!

I also had a confession that I am struggling and hate the course. Bah.

Soon was kicked out by Smi, and as Belinda had to go home, I was struggling to think what do next..
Dun Dun Dun....John phoned and offered to meet me for a meal..It was like he read my mind of "Nooooo, don't want to go home yet!
The meal was a jacket potato for me and a hell of a lot of Doughnuts. Yep, he took me to the best place ever..

While nipping to the Loo, I left him by the till..When I came back, I discovered he decided to buy 24 doughnuts. It made me quite scared when I saw all the sugary goodness that he expected us to eat!

I ate 1. He ate 7. Plus we had two free doughnuts that they gave us. I felt so ill!

We also met Miss Phoebe (John's best Girlie Mate). It was quite sweet, as I havn't seen her in Agggeees. Last time was on the tube which does not make for the best conversation settings, does it..?
Anyway, the two were making plans for Valentine's Day..I am quite intriged and so watch this space. If I disappear on the V. Day, you know who to blame!

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