. More drinks were soon to follow, til the world was starting to look rosy, as I became tispy. Tom was also a fast drinker and we were happily humming to the songs playing in the background.
Revolutions is also going through a lovely Italian Phrase Where there are "rewards" for those from that fine counrty.
Rosie and Phoebe soon joined the fun, and this time brought shots so we could play "I never" and "Tops and Buttoms".
Rosie also taught us a game where you you stack the cards on top of a thin glass and blow on them. The aim was supposed to be the last card to be blown off, meant that Blower had to drink/ down a shot. Tis quite good.
Harry, Phoebe and I also got a bit addicted to the bread sticks that were foolishly laying on the table.
More and more were consumed until we were banned from asking for any more at the bar. We made good vampires and weapons, as well as Bar snacks..And to think..We thought they were incense at first ><
There was also Tom's marvellous T-Shirt.."I put the Man in Romance!"
There was also the make over we did for Harry. He looked good with the Glitter and Mascara.Not Rocky Horror Show Good-But good enough.
I personal think that the Cards on the head was a much sexier look then anything else..Just look how pretty me and Harry look:
Or even the "I am a stuffed Pig.Please Kill and eat my tender Flesh look"
That is were it all started to go wrong. I opened my fat mouth and said some things to Phoebe. I cannot remember what it was, but I made her upset. Really upset. The next thing I remember was being dragged away from her by Harry, and going home on the bus. I am glad he did drag me away, as Goodness knows what else I may have done. So, now the next day is here. I am sitting in my room, more angry at myself then anything else..The "argument" with Phoebe has caused a ripple effect and so now more people are suffering because of that. Goddess help me through the next few days..And the people that are hurting because of my lack of Tact and good taste when I am drunk.:(
Although I have talked and Apologised for my actions, I still feel the Fool.
Alchol. People change when they drink and I have seen a horrid side of me that has no quirms about saying things without thought. Has no clue how much the words can hurt more then a punch. Or have effect on long rooted friendships.
I have learnt my lesson now..No more drinking for Catherine for a while..Especially on those that I may say something to offend.
Now, if only my brain can believe what I am typing out!
silly Pixie :p x x