The Boyfriend:
My boyfriend is called John. He is obsessed with the website twitter, loves Unicycling and kidnaps me away to have mini adventues whenever he can. He also dresses like an extra from Emmerdale Farm on occasions..I do love him though..

The Old School friends...
Rosie Rosie is a girl I knew since I was 3. We went to the same primary and Secondary School. Though she lives far from me,we catch up a lot on MSN. Indie Music, gossiping and stalking people on the net are main hobbies of hers and she is currently dating a guy called Charlie. Her Blog is here!
Harry Harold I knew since I was 3 or 4-again from primary School. He lives in my neighbour hood and is a workaholic..(Holds two jobs and goes to Uni!). He is too trendy for words with a much better fashion sense then me. He also hates animals and goes to the gym a lot
Kyle Kyle and I meet in secondary school,but since leaving sixth Form we rarely get the chance to hang out. He is also very trendy, makes sarcastic remarks and is in tune with the world of celebs in a way I can never be..

Vanessa Vanessa is a smart woman who now went home to Malaysia. She is studying to be a doctor, is able to drive and has a sweet dog called Toffee. Also able to play the Piano which I am Jealous of..And hold a tune. -Sigh- Basically she is smart, very pretty and talented. And not a bitch about it!
Daniel S (AKA Valient). This is a guy I met in Sixth Form. Dan is too smart for his own good, a talented artist and obsessed with Games. He lives in Bath, which is good for me as I get to visit him there. ^_^
Chris Duffin What to say about Chris..? He is an Irish guy that moved there when we were 13. He was my first "Puppy love" (I can admit it finally after years of trying to hide it) who is, beyond the Sarcasm is actually a sweet guy. Has bad jokes though. Be warned :P

Lora H Lora is a self confessed geek that loves reading,D n D and doing webcomics- as well as writing
.She lives in America *boo*, though wants to come to London soon. Dates a tall guy called John.

The Uni Lot
Belinda Belinda is my rock at Uni as she is stable and sensible about things work related,while I try to fill her days with weird stories and/or mini adventures. Needless to say we get on get! Indie music, a love of Camden and being confused by Kingston are a few of the things we share..
Sarah Sarah has cool eyes and says"Oh my Dayssss Catherine!" a lot. She is constantly laughing and does not drink at all. She also rides a scooter on occasions. I love her for that.

Aster Aster is also a non drinker who always seems to have a confused look in my presence. She is very sweet though. Hiding a strong woman inside her tiny frame though..Seriously!
Smi Smi is from Nepal. She loves Chocolate, drinking and family events..She has a passion for shopping as well. Hates nursing and wants to be an Accountant instead. My aim is to show her what a mistake that will be..

Gina A feisty lady who I respect (and fear) more then I care to admit..She likes being single and is furiously proud of being a woman. A good dancer to

. Nana Stubborn and proud, Nana is hiding A professional hairdresser inside. Wears glasses, nice tops and is the best girl I have seen in Paint balling...
Shane This man is reliable, gentlemanly and self reflects a lot. Does Mental Health Nursing and secretly adores the musical Wicked. Can fight well in Tai kwon Do. Has a habit of taking things too seriously sometimes. This is his blog.

Natasha: Yet another cool woman. Into the every music that is opposite to my taste, makeup and has a sweet 9 year old daughter. Very smart, though can be lazy when it comes to studying.Good to have an adventure or two:
Verconia: This lady left in the second year, but was close to Dolly. She is the ideal Sloane Ranger, with good fashion and a quiet voice. Secretly loves shots though..
Dolly: A sweet girl with pretty hair that I love. Had to entice to be bad, but it fun to try to make her so...
Random Friends
Claude I met this crazy french girl about 2 years ago. People think we are sisters. She is loud, has a strong punch, and loves KOKO. She also loves white wine and a good kiss.
Anna I met this lady through Claude. As well as loving random bands (like Audio Bully), Anna likes teaching English to others and going back to Poland and seeing gigs.
Tom (aka TJ) Tom is a big weeaboo, a nice kisser and a nicer person. He is shy around girls, Love drum and bass and going to Weatherspoons. Oh and doing random dares. And rocking out to Alkaline Trio.
. Hayley She lives in SouthEnd, goes to SunRooms and loves any phrase that has the word "Mental". I am secretly jealous of her looks, and the fact she is lovely makes it hard to bear.

Tom, Hayley and Rosie go to the same Uni.. Darren Darren is a guy I meet, while working in a company called Creative Events. He is a softly spoken, mini adventure seeking guy that is desperate to live closer to London.
Dan aka Blondie Dan is an Indie lover who has no posters in his room, lives in Surrey and cooks well. He also likes Indie and who also tells me to do things when I am drunk that makes me look silly. Like bite people..
Ant Draper This guy is the orginal Indie god. He has cool hair, knows bands before they are mainstream and has an unhealthy love to the band "The Holloways". He also has a deep voice for a guy.The deepest I know to be honest..
Riaz Is a guy that disappers and reappers in my life. First entered in Sixth Form. Currently in King's having a midlife Crisis as he hates his course. Goes travelling a lot and likes to Ski
Cassie. Know her through John. She was in the year above me in Uni. Loves handbags, Geography and driving her new (ish) car. Lives ages away now. Sad times.
La Rebla Fam (LRF)
OK, It is a bit mean putting 6 mates under one label..But the band is good..Met Ben Stratford agess ago and when he joined LRF he introduced me to Anton, Simon, Donny, Rob and Sounds. Ace guys and the songs are passable to..See for yourself..
The Acton Lot!
Ben Ward Guy I met in Sixth Form. It was through him I met the rest of the the "Gang". He is sweet, has an impressive number of tattoos (best ones is the one on his bum), and likes gangsta films.
Jason, Joe, Days and Eliso They used to have a band called "Before I forget". Don't have a chance to speak to them often, but late night convos on MSN make me feel a little close to them..
The dogs:
My mum walks Neighbour's Dogs. Fred and Frankie. Here is a picture of them..
flattered my love but, at the risk of sounding insecure, that pic is crap put a better one up lool.
ReplyDeletemiss ya and even if we don't meet as much as i'd like you'll always be the top gal!!
lots of love,
your riaz x