Thursday, 28 October 2010

*Life. Sex and Rock and Roll*.

Okie, So it is been a while since I posted here. Life has been packed from morning to night so I have little time to reflect or brood on the past. Adding to the fact that Twitter and My Tumblr make it really easy to update compared to blogspot and you get a dying webpage that was my best friend for rants and tears.

So what have I been up to since..August?
Well, working mostly. The lovely people in Wolfson centre booked me for most of the month to my joy. I did all my big adventures in July so I was happy to be able to pay off the summer debts (Which I did-now only the overdraft to tackle!.)
I also brought a new camera after having to rely heavily on other people's to even take a snap as I broke my one in Latitude.
September saw me get a year older in style and also brought the return of Uni. Yes. I am once again in the ranks of the student army.
I almost cried when I saw that they were going to place me in A and E again. I managed to get in changed to CTITU (Cardiac Intensive Care).
I been there 5 ways so far and doing okie (Fingers crossed).
Love life is weird and wonderous. After the split I changed a lot in myself in terms of accepting what I am and what I need. Although I have not found it *exactly*, still due to trust issues, I am getting there. I meet a guy that seems determine to see me go far no matter what, and with him, came a new circle to play and network with. I owe him a lot more then he realised. *nods in his direction*.

Adventures have been on a different track rather then my usual. Adventures of self awareness, self image and self love were more the focus these weeks then the physical "let's explore the world". Whispers of hate go round my head at myself, but at least they are whispers not shouts.
I have an outlet for tears and no real reason to hide what I am feeling, even though it takes a lifetime to break old habits.

Anyway, to end on a happy note here is what I have been through:
~Started experimenting with my sexuality and the BDSM World. Fitted in so well it was like I never was without it.
~Went to Hastings on my first camping trip..And survived to agree to go again
-Went on a hunt for the best clubs in East London again: The bookclub I think is my favourite.
~Went out 3 times in a row to celebrate the fact I am a lil older (and hopefully wiser).
~Found out the joy of tumblr and photography agaon
~Passed my snapshot and passing placement it seems
~Learning to be selfish in a productive way, especially when it comes to my feelings verus someone else.
~Having Anna's usual Pancake Dinner parties
~Having many trips to the cinema :)

Boo ya.
The happiness is back!

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Soo this is Tumblr then?

Okie, so as I am a proud black berry owner, and everyone was talking about the greatness of Tumblr, I am moving shop to see what it is like myself. I am moving my blog and online writing time to this page instead:

It means that I will be posting more regularly though. So see you guys later!

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Soo..this is the Single life for me then?

So apart from the "woe is me, he left me, how can I cope *cries and drinks*" post and "the List" of the perfect man for me post, I have been oddly quiet.
It is not because my depression over another failed long term relationship took me over the edge, indeed, it seemed to breathe life into me and give me back my pixiedust that was slowly being drained out of me. I have had so much adventures Since March I hardly had time to breathe let along write in details over where I have been and what I have seen..
From the sheets of new lovers to seeing live music to giggling with friends, this Summer was the Summer of Adventures for sure.

So a quick Summary of the highlights:

  • Playing and completing Pokemon Gold. I am that cool at being a (causal) gamer, this goes first!
  • Going to Bath in April and then in May to see my good friend Dan Artsie. We explored the hills, the national trust park, Saw Lions, and witnessed his Graduation. I also met his Mother for his first time. Very cool woman.
  • Getting back on track to University. Going back in September and getting my Bursary too. I get paid to complete the training. *Dances*.
  • Going to Bristol to visit Waffle. It was a weekend of intriguing catch ups and seeing a more relaxed Bristol.
  • TENBY! yes, I went for the weekend for Brenda's birthday. Wales was amazing. Paint balling, beaches, Urban exploring, welsh cakes and going on the track for go karting!
  • Sheffield for The Beach Party (Dan's 21st) and Then for the Big Brother house with with the introduction of Sam. His Blog and version if you care to read is here.
  • Going back to Work and getting off benefits and sorting my head out a lot better. Off the anti depressions and Self harming stops being so regular :)
  • Saying a final goodbye to my close Friend Belinda and her lover as they depart to Australia for a year
  • Going to Wimbledon Tennis with a new face in my life, Clockwise..and realizing how much I hate tennis..Urgh.
  • Going for many BBQ's in various parks!
  • Seeing Wireless! Wooh! Finally seeing Pink!
  • Going Camping in Latitude! 54 acts in 3 and half Days..<3
  • Going to Ben and Jerry's for the 2 days..Free Ice creams and many happy moments with friends
  • Going to see many bands and my beloved La Rebla Fam and Mad Ramblings!

And the plans for the future?
Well to carry on with the adventures and get my PIN. All good times me think!

  • Planning to go to Berlin for the Xmas holidays and qualifying just before then :)
  • Going to Travel to America with a certain Hayley if Funds allow it and see a certain Lori
  • To enjoy the joy of being free, young and with a good job. :)

Wooh. Pixie's back!

See you all soon!

(And thank you all for helping me get back my spirits in the hard times of Winter and Spring. I never forgot your help, support and constant Love. Especially Cookie, Sparrow, Mr D, Raz and my Mama. God knows I am happy to know you!)

So how is the single life fr you?

Wednesday, 28 April 2010


Some bad videos of Wales. Fun times I hope :)

WLTM a serendipity now..

So I was in the pub with a good friend when I thought I should write a list.
Yes, I resorted to writing a list to see what sort of Person I want to be with..A clear idea of who I wish the universe would send in my direction..That and I was having a laugh at Dan's expression when he read it after it was done!
Anyway, here is the list:

Pixiewolfe's lover shall agree with (most) of these statements:

-Thou Shall be a Serendipity
-Thou shall not want butt Sex or Rim me and try to kiss me straight after. That is just eww.
-Thou shall like Manga and Anime
-Thou Shall be spontaneous with Romance
-Thou shall respect the Pixiewolfe's Music taste
-Thou shall like Nature
-Thou shall not want Children
-Thou shall love rats and Sea Monkey
-Thou Shall give a satisfactory answer to the Robin Hood Morality Test (Which is here!)
-Thou Shall enjoy webcomics
-Thou Shall not argue about beliefs to the point of making the other cry
-Thou Shall be sexually comparable and sexually desire the PixieWolfe. PixieWolfe must also desire them.
-Both Shall be liked by both sets of friends. Friends are my family.
Thou shall not use violence to get his own way.
-Thou shall be respectful and truthful. Even if it hurts.
-Thou shall not be a homosexual
-Thou shall not be a A) Chav B) Fashion Slave C) A faker
-Must understand my laugh is not fake
-Must play at least one console to understand the joy of gaming
-Must own at least one Tim Burton movie that does not include Planet of the Apes
-Must get on with the family, or live outside the family house
-Thou shall not take drugs or excessive alcohol (I personally hate it!)
-Must enjoy traveling and Gigs..Even if you cannot afford it.
-Must not hold extreme left or right views.
-Must blog, vlog or have a facebook to ensure ease of online stalking.
-Must be able to deal with my craziness..

Anyway, sure there will be more to add to the list.

For now, night night my lovers! x

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

If you want me I will be a bit emo for the next few weeks.

So I have been cheated on. By John. Who is now dating the girl he cheated on me with.

I am not happy.

There is nothing more to say except we have split up and it is killing me.

I have not opened my heart out to another guy since Nick or Gary. I don't think I will again.

At least not for a long while til I can overcome the shame and pain of it.

Makes me ask questions I rather not answer:
Why was I not good enough? Why did you not dump me before hand? How long did he cheat on me? Did he cheat on me before, in our 2 and a bit year relationship? Why did he lie about it when confronted- and then still be emotional manipulative to try to control the situation? Why did he keep saying he want me back but make no effect to get back with me..though still claim that I left a hole in his heart when I left? Why did I give him a second chance when he hurt me badly before- or a first chance when I did not want to date him in the first place? How many people knew before me? Why didn't he realize a depressive, suicidal woman did not want to know a man was a lying cheater, and it made me retreat so far into myself it hurts?
I guess most of the questions can be answered with: He is a big fat loser that does not deserve you because you are (insert nice adjectives here).

It does not help knowing that his friends are disgusted, the "new" girlfriend is going to France in a few months, showing he is using her as a way to feel the hole and I have been asked out already.
It does not help that now I got more free time to plan holidays, not feel stupid reading web comics or waste time trying to understand and compromise.

It does help that I have fantastic friends that have let me cry on their shoulders for the weeks where the heartbreak has been too hard to bear.
Hopefully more more smiles and adventures soon.


Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Two great Dinner Parties.(thanks Guys)

As I am poor, I have been skipping on the restaurants and going for Dinner parties instead. Then again, I have got more friends opening their homes for the idea. Honestly, who really wants to go out when it is cold just for food in an over priced building like Gorden Ramsey anyway..?

The first one was Cookie's on Sunday. She has moved to a new flat for just her and Ryan. I am jealous. Really cheap, all inclusive and only her and her Lover. -Sigh-. The only bad thing it is in Leytonstone..but even that is no bad thing!
There was already guests when I arrived at half one. It was nice chatting to Cookie's other circle.
Eventually others arrived to fill the silences that occur among strangers.
It was a good mix..Brenda, Anna, a guy called Andrew I met before as he works in St Georges and was at a few "gatherings" and 4 others.

We gathered and laughed and socialised as you do...

Cookie turned out to be an amazing cook. There was starter of soup, Dumplings (chicken and vegetables) then rice with various meat to put on it. Brenda and Anna provided dessert and someone brought the alcohol. Fun times.

Did find out some things though..

-Cookie is a great Painter..Was lucky to see her old work.
-Brenda laugh is getting weirder and even tops me.
-Wearing a summer dress is not a good idea when London is still gripped in cold and Ice. Brr.

If you were wondering where Ryan the lover was while we were munching away, he went to Yorkshire to see family. Did see him as Anna, Brenda, Andrew and I braced ourselves against the cold to get to the Station.(He was fine, thanks for asking..)

Monday night was Anna's turn to play host. As I decided to crash at Anna's for a while I was there, as well as Garry and Iwona.
We had chicken fajitas. Awesome.

Again with the Catch up. It is amazing how much one can talk about once a topic is reached they like.
For Anna it was about the music and the new DJ she is into. He can mix anyone and Anything. Pure talent man. Look him up..YOUR NIECE!

Awesome stuff!

A Scary level of truth..

A book to shock you into doing something. Equality IS better for everyone.

This book is the result of 50 years of research. It talks about inequality and how it makes people cranky. How being equal can affect mental illness, obsetity and even how long one can live.
How countries like America fare worst in "happiness scales" then it Japan.

Basically I think anyone who believes that society is the result of what we do, rather than who we are, should check this out.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

The Kindness offensive Strikes!

As you may know, I love free stuff. I f it is food , I love it even more.
I was very lucky then to get free Pancakes with my Mama at Ed's Diner. It was really random as it was to draw attention to Bullying and the anti bullying campaign via the NSPCC. I
shamefully did not know this when I went there. My mind went "free pancakes? FREEEEE..??! I am in".

It was good though. Found out about Leap... An orgainsation that helps makes good deeds fun and easy. CHECK IT OUT: Type Leapanywhere in google. NOW!

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Valentine's Day love!

I hate Valentine's. Seriously I do. For a person in a loving relationship and who has free time to plan things for her lover, I was not the most happiest come the 14th.
It is not the stress.
It is not the commerical. nature.
It is the fact that one day out of the whole year people are forced to go against their nature and be nice and romantic to who falls into their lustful eyesight. Come on guys. There are 365 days in the year last time I checked. You do NOT need to wait til Febuary to show that you care and love someone..

That rant out of the way, I did have a good time.
John phoned me and told m
e to dress in leathers and warm clothes. It meant one thing. I was going to ride on his bike (He hates riding with others so that was a treat in itself!)
After having a quick hot choc and me posing in the lid he borrowed for me:

The question where/what are we going to do was soon answered when we pulled up outside Bloomsbury Bowling Alley. For those that don't know it, it is a cool bar that has bowling, Karoke, gigs, dancing, random machines and a 50's style.
It was cool, Quirky and totally us.

Food was consumed:
(yes it had to be typically us..Ordering more then we can eat..The milkshakes were cool though..and ridiculously filling!

Bands were admired:

(Check them out..Scarlett's Rose was amazing live. Love the blond singer's voice!)

And our competitive nature arose when we bowled with our funny names:

I lost but only because John managed to get 3 strikes. Well it was nearly Turkey after all..(his favourite word it seems.)

I also embarrassed John by repeatly asking for tea. The guy felt sorry for me and evenually made me one from the staff stock! Well, if you ask you get don't you.

I also got a heart balloon. Doesn't it look like nipples..? It does doesn't it..? It is not just me, is it..?

I wanted to keep it, but John decided to burst it on me as he claimed
"I would look like a twat if I was riding a bike with a balloon sticking out".
Still, I got a new band to be obessed about and I Really want a bike. Good times

Happy new year (Again)

Anna is a social Animal. I am Anna's friend. Therefore I occasionally decide to enter Anna's world of parties, DJ sets and EastLondoness
Tonight it was a houseparty in Dalston. The theme was Chinese new year. It had food, warmth and a good crowd (Brenda and Cookie were also there!).
Met Anna at her's before running down to the station to pick up Cookie. We were late because we kept forgetting things..First we forgot the champagne, then I forgot Cookie's present (late I know, as I kept forgetting to give it to her!).

Eventually piled on the bus before indulging in Doughnut. Mm, Sugar rush never was so good!
Got into a weird conversation on the bus.
One guy asked out loud how to spell Jewel. Anna spelt it. A drunk guy in the corner then shouted out "How do you Spell "condom"..I always need one during the weekend. Will someone help me out..?!". Some bright spark spelt out "Good luck" before the drunk guy shouted.." Noooo...That is not right..isn't it C-O-N-D-O-M..?".

Bad timing for Brenda who decided to phone at that moment to find out where we were.

Brenda was not the only one waiting. Steve, (Jamie's friend who is Leo and Anna's mate) and some Swede people were coming to. I was a bit intimidated with all the crowd. One to speak I know, as I had a whip in my hands!

Took a while to find out where the house was, but when we got there we were delighted..There was posters to advertise it on the wall (inside as a mickey take), the stair case was transformed into a tunnel so people had to curl up and down it (had cardboard taped to the walls forcing people to go on their knees.) and food. I was happy with the food.
It even had a real fireplace, so I was able to roast and burn various food from marshmallows to chips.
I also was told there is a sweet one is supposed to chuck at people for good luck..Bad times for the other guests.
I did not just misbehave. I was floating around talking to people to. There were 2 people that I really like..Marina who was a bubbly woman living in Hammersmith, and a guy called Paul who talked about everything from bikes to Identity. He had a big discussion with Bee too, which I sat down to listen to.

We did not stay there for long though..The others had tickets to a club and I was tired. At the bus stop it was fun as I encouraged others to whip stuff. Had a mini competition to see who could whip a beer can off the bus stop bench. No one it seemed!

Got home about 2, while the others got home much, much later. Aw well. Start as you mean to go on!

Thursday, 11 February 2010

A great book

I have been trying to read a lot more this year, and get out of only reading webcomics and Sci fi/ fantasy novels (genius though they are!).
It is with pleasure that I will say: Read this book:

It is one of the thought provoking books I have read in a long time. Basically it is a world were Africians were the masters and Europeans were slaves. For obvious reasons very powerful and sad. Read it though- you will be missin out if you don't!

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

A day and night in Camden Town...

Okie, so these last few days I had a reason to visit my old haunt in London. Glorious Camden Town. I had lunch, coffee dates and gigs. Almost feel like my old self a bit at that.

First time was with Vince. He likes Camden. I like Camden. Seemed like a great place to choose to meet and catch up. Bad plan for me though, as I came straight from John's and had heavy books, dirty clothes and my laptop. Note to self. Lugging around a giant rucksack makes wondering slightly difficult.
It was nice though. Brought a diablo from Oddballs, ate a lot of Camden style food and laughed with Vince at the "fashion" there. Bliss.

I went back the next day to meet my old Uni mates-Dolly, Smi and Sarah. All were depressed about work (or in Sarah's case lack of). Tis a hard life for us some times. We all were happy with catching up, being cam whores and eating in our favourite restaurant Max Oriental...

I was soon greeted by another friend: Cookie. It was good timing of her as the others left for new adventures in various London hangouts while I wanted to stay for a gig in Camden.
Cookie did seem to get on with Smi..At least Smi was making her giggle with talks of Clothes and accounting stories.
Bored with the shops, Cookie and I headed for Hampstead Health. The plan was to sit down in the green and have a hot drink. It was far to cold though to put that plan in action (In this weather? In this Country? What were we thinking?!), so we stopped into a quaint looking shop. It served good cake and was reasonable for the drinks. Plan B turned out to be not so bad.

Vince graced us with his presence in the evening..We meet at the World's End pub- Best one ever with this sign by the way:

and went straight on to the gig.

I saw one of the bands before-Molloy so I was happy. The lead singer Caz give me a big hug and it was nice to hear more of her life then just music based news. She was amazing on stage as usual!

Another band I grew to like was Slow Gun. I did make a prat of myself after with the Bass player- She was handing out badges and didn't hear what I was saying. Basically she thought I was a twat.

The other band was cute but boring to listen to. The name failed to register in my mind..Sad for them I'm sure.

Hungry after the music, I persuaded the others to go eat with me. I was going to have Chiense but the store for Falafels caught my eye. Managed to make a prat of myself for the second time that night.

Me: Do you do any veggie Falafels?
Guy: umm..Falafels are always Vegetarian
Me: But why does it say it has mince in it (pointing to the sign)
Guy: It says Mint, not mince.
Me: ....................I will have one then -Blush-

To top it all off, after I got the damn thing, I hated it and Vince and Cookie laughed as I struggled to enjoy it. That and I managed to get it on my skirt, hair and cookie's hair while devouring it..Typical.

Then on Monday I went again. Well this time to Mornington Crescent for KOKO. Managed to score two tickets to see Mika, Courteeners and JLS for free for the Album Chart Show. Went with Vince as I thought he would like it (he did). As it was live recording though it ran late. Doors opened at half 7 not 6..Brr, was snowing as well when we were outside.

Inside was okie, and was enjoying myself til JLS came on. My goodness, I took an instant dislike to them and it got worst as I realized that they were lip syncing and doing very dodgy dance moves. I cried when they had to re do the entire set.
I was so happy when Mika came on. I loved him before, but now I would happily be a mindless drone for him. He was quirky. He was a natural on stage. His voice was a-maze-zing. I am in love. Seriously.

Pictures came out good to!

Last was Courteeners. Not my favourite indie act out there, but they had talent (and an army of groupies it seems).

All in all. A great few days in my favourite place in London. You can guess where you can find me if I am out of bed now!

Monday, 1 February 2010

So this is Pokemon..?

I am 22. I am developing a minor love for Pokemon. Please help me.

Yes, you heard right. I am play with cute creatures from a vitural reality. And I am not ashamed to say it.
Bearing in mind that everyone grew out of it when they were 12, and the only people that do like them are in Bath or USA it can be lonely to be tapping away on a DS knowing I will never fill up the damn Pokedex.

Amusing that people keep sending me comic strips like:


Oh. This is my favourite Pokemon by the way (if you were interested) :

Pokemon gotta catch them all...POKEMON!

Saturday, 30 January 2010

So..I moved back home

ItalicSo East London was not good for the depressive. I was self harming and not talking to anyone. I was being argumentive and could not deal with anything..So what I did was run back at my Mama and cry on her shoulder about how life was mean and cruel and I was unable to deal with it.

I know. It was bad.

The worst thing for me in dealing with depression is the fact I am smart enough to know that it is only a chemical in my brain making me feel suicidal. I know that I have a lot to look forward to, and be grateful for.
  • I have great friends who would look after me, and like my company
  • A mother with depression who knows and can offer support and advice
  • An okie choice in career, even if I don't like it (Can fall back on matter what..)
  • Intelligence and charm that makes it easy to get on with people and make friends or lovers
  • A supportive Boyfriend who does try to understand
  • Opportunities to do whatever I like
  • A job to go back to that pays reasonable well
It still does not make much of a difference. Somedays Iwalk to the top of my road and wish I had the courage to end it all. There are many reasons why people would argue against it. It does not matter. I feel I should not have to justify my feelings.

At least it is getting slowly better. I don't feel as bad and Iam looking forward to going back to finish off my course.

It was horrible to fail A and E. It was horrible to have to move from Benthnal Green and Then from Stepney. It was horrible finding out my Uncle died, and family history and breaking up with John. It was horrible going on benefits and feeling a failure for not working. It was not good laying around the house ripping my skin til the blood came out or hiding from everyone. It was horrible having to move back to my Mama's and lying to people that I am something I am not (a Catholic Nurse who is moving up in the career ladder..)

I really hope the worst is over and I finally get some more happiness in my life :(

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

The lost art of Exploring.

It is good to be friends with someone gets pleasure in exploring. It is even better when that said person has free time at the same time as you. This person for me is Vince.
For today's adventure we decided to go to Tate Modern.
I was surprised that I liked some of the Artwork on display.
This artist in particular was really good for me and did a whole host of manga related work. It was interesting as well as stunning to the eye.

Couldn't stay in the gallery for the whole day, so went for lunch. Took him to Chilango- a Mexican chain. The portion was so big I struggled to finish mine and Vince did not complain of hunger for a good while after. Result for £9!

As usual we also went to a coffee house for a while. Vince knew of a cheap one off Piccidilly-Grace.
I was happy as they gave free smarties in a shot glass for every drink. Awesome.

Monday, 25 January 2010

Cookie's birthday Dinner

What more is there to explain..?
Cookie wanted to go out to Dinner for her birthday with close friends. I was entertained with good company while my stomach was entertained with good food.
The restaurant was in Russell Square-called . A mixture of all oriental food recipes from rice to weird soup. All cheap- though as I was a greedy pig and decided to order 2 starters and then 2 mains plus drinks mine was a bit excessive.
There was only 4 people I knew (Anna, Brenda, Cookie and Ryan (her boyfriend), so it was weird to talk to others

..As one knows I have been quite the reclusive so making "polite" conversation was not easy- glad I could stuff my mouth with food and avoid that issue!

Harder when Anna shouted out "Stop taking sex talk there!!". I would not mind but I was listening to Ryan talking about Cookie. -Sigh-. Am I that predictable in my chat?

We did joke that cookie should have her own twitter page to rival

The dinner got better when we realised that Brenda made a cake for Cookie..As we all know that she bakes only in special times, we realised how good it would be..(and it was. It was indeed..)

It did put a damper on thing getting the bill. Weird to think that food cost that much! What the hell?

Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY COOKIE! :)..We all love you <3

Sunday, 24 January 2010

There is a little blue in all of us..

I have moved back to Chelsea and yet Old street still calls me. It was with that thought in my head I decided to travel back up to spend an evening with my darling Anna and co.
First stop was the fine waterhole known as Weatherspoons. Aimed with embarrassment (as much as I could be that is- this is me you are talking about) as I spent the last half an hour drinking by myself in the wrong pub, not even alcohol mind, just hot chocolate, I was soon joining the ranks in conversation and laughter.
Anna was there of course, as well as Vince, Brenda, Leo, Jamie, Jamie's friend and Serena (I finally met this exclusive character. Exciting.)

There was not much new talk going on-mostly jokes and random gossip inbetween the usual complaints of jobs and lack of money.
Did down a pint in one go though, winning myself a pitcher from a red faced Jamie.

Did not touch the shots though..Left that to Anna and other braver souls!

We did not stay there the whole time though.We moved on to a great bar called "Old Blue". It plays really good music. I was happy.

It was my first time out in a while, so I got myself tired out early. Shamefully I left just at half 12..usually it is 3 at the earliest!
Vince went with me and we wandered around the street eating burgers, chips and random salad. That and talk nonsense. Aw, good times..Same time, same place next fortnight I hope :P

Good night!

Sunday, 3 January 2010

The main characters of 2010

As you know, i do this every year..Why stop now..? (Similar to 2009 post but it is true- still good friends all of you :P)

The Boyfriend:

My boyfriend is called John. He is obsessed with the website twitter, Dad's army (which I hate) and music that seems to be based on whether I not I would like it- The more I hate it the more he likes it, it seems)..Still.. I do love him <3
The Old School friends...
Rosie Rosie is a girl I knew since I was 3. We went to the same primary and Secondary School. Though she lives far from me,we catch up a lot on MSN. Indie Music, gossiping and stalking people on the net are main hobbies of hers and she is currently dating a guy called Charlie who she lives with in Shelfield. Her Blog is here!

Harry Harold I knew since I was 3 or 4-again from primary School. He lives in my neighbour hood and is a workaholic..(Holds two jobs and looking to get a better career after Uni). He is too trendy for words with a much better fashion sense then me. He also hates animals and goes to the gym a lot..

Vanessa Vanessa is a smart woman who went home to Malaysia and is back in England studying Medicine. She has a sweet dog called Toffee, a great boyfriend Joel and is able to play the Piano which I am Jealous of..And hold a tune. -Sigh- Basically she is smart, very pretty and talented. And not a bitch about it!

Daniel S (AKA Valient).
This is a guy I met in Sixth Form. Dan is too smart for his own good, a talented artist and obsessed with Games. He lives in Bath, which is good for me as I get to visit him there. ^_^
Chris Duffin What to say about Chris..? He is an Irish guy that moved there when we were 13. He was my first "Puppy love" (I can admit it finally after years of trying to hide it) who is, beyond the Sarcasm is actually a sweet guy. Has bad jokes though. Be warned :P

Lora H Lora is a self confessed geek that loves reading,D n D and doing webcomics- as well as writing.She lives in America *boo*, though wants to come to London soon..She also studies Latin which is cool.

The Uni Lot

Belinda Belinda is my rock at Uni as she is stable and sensible about things work related,while I try to fill her days with weird stories and/or mini adventures. Needless to say we get on get! Indie music, a love of Camden and being confused by what comes after Kingston are a few of the things we share..

Sarah Sarah has cool eyes and says"Oh my Dayssss Catherine!" a lot. She is constantly laughing and does not drink at all. Currently struggling to find herself after Kingston and hides in Greenwich when she needs peace,

Smi is from Nepal. She loves Chocolate, drinking and family events..She has a passion for shopping as well. Studying Accountants, lives with her family and in Farnbourgh. Miss her company loads :(
Gina A feisty lady who I respect (and fear) more then I care to admit..She likes being single and is furiously proud of being a woman and having her own home. One of the few to escape from Kingston happy.

This man is reliable, gentlemanly and self reflects a lot. Does Mental Health Nursing and secretly adores the musical Wicked. Can fight well in Tai kwon Do. Has a habit of taking things too seriously sometimes. Also one to escape Kingston in one piece..

Natasha: Yet another cool woman. Into the every music that is opposite to my taste, makeup and has a sweet daughter. Very smart and currently looking to go back to studying.Good to have an adventure or two:

Verconia: This lady left in the second year, but was close to Dolly. She is the ideal Sloane Ranger, with good fashion and a quiet voice..In oxford studying though..

Dolly: A sweet girl with pretty hair that I love. Hard to entice to be bad, but it fun to try to make her so.. Working as a staff Nurse and saving for the finer things in life.

Random Friends
Claude I met this crazy french girl about 2 years ago. People think we are sisters. She is loud, has a strong punch, and loves KOKO. She also loves white wine and a good kiss.

Anna I met this lady through Claude and lived with her in East London..She showed me good clubs, music I used to hate and now love *cough* techno *cough* and how to deal with the bad things life throws at you..

A cool woman who is into Indie and travelling. Works in a bakery though has a Masters and the determination to go far. Met her through Anna. Secret talent is cooking

Actual name is Kuk. We have a lot in common and, like Brenda, can cook amazing dishes from basic ingredients. Has a lovely boyfriend called Ryan and looking to move in with him.

Again, that is just a nickname..Actually called Aanchal. Quiet and hard to get out as she loves her bed but willing to try anything once- Great company in Brighton.

A fun loving French lass who does not drink, smoke or take drugs..I admire her so much for that..That and she is a very talented artist! Currently studying in Belfast.
A Japanese woman who has a very Shoreditch fashion style as I always see her in retro stuff. Very cute and an ace party goer.
Garry and Iwona: A very close couple. He is a DJ at a party called "FIDGET" and Iwona is a sexy lass from Poland. Hard to seperate them though! :)

Tom(aka TJ)
Tom is a big weeaboo, a nice kisser and a nicer person. He is shy around girls, Love drum and bass and going to Weatherspoons. Oh and doing random dares. And rocking out to Alkaline Trio.

Hayley She lives in SouthEnd, goes to SunRooms and loves any phrase that has the word "Mental". I am secretly jealous of her looks, and the fact she is lovely makes it hard to bear.
Tom, Hayley and Rosie used to go to the same Uni...

Darren Darren is a guy I meet, while working in a company called Creative Events. He is a softly spoken, mini adventure seeking guy that is desperate to live closer to London.
Dan aka Blondie Dan is an Indie lover who has no posters in his room, lives in Surrey and cooks well. He also likes Indie and who also tells me to do things when I am drunk that makes me look silly. Like bite people..

Dan Gingery"Ginger Ninja"
A guy I truly love. He loves similar music as me, cycling and studies how grown men play with monkeys. Also an ace gig partner

A guy that went to my primary school, secondary school, same College and Uni..though I only meet him by chance in a East London night club. Funny how things turn out huh..?

Vince: Belinda's now ex boyfriend, Vince is an Italian Musician. He is into 70's music, visiting different places in England and food. Especially if it Italian.

Maya: Anna's polish friend, she invitied me to go to Spain with her to help look after her little daughter. We had a fantastic trip with several adventures (me getting drunk and stealing 10 pints of fruit juice was one such story!)

Is a guy that disappers and reappers in my life. First entered in Sixth Form. Currently in King's having a midlife Crisis as he hates his course. Goes travelling a lot and likes to Ski

La Rebla Fam (LRF)
OK, It is a bit mean putting 6 mates under one label..But the band is good..Met Ben Stratford agess ago and when he joined LRF he introduced me to Anton, Simon, Donny, Rob and Sounds. Ace guys and the songs are passable to..See for yourself..

The Acton Lot!
Ben Ward Guy I met in Sixth Form. It was through him I met the rest of the the "Gang". He is sweet, has an impressive number of tattoos (best ones is the one on his bum), and likes gangsta films.
Jason, and Days: They used to have a band called "Before I forget", now reformed into "Dogs of Mars". Don't have a chance to speak to them often, but late night convos on MSN make me feel a little close to them..

The dogs:
My mum walks Neighbour's Dogs. Fred a. Here is a picture of him..